Monday, January 3, 2022

Sandra's JANUARY Newsletter Recap

 H E L L O  +  R E C A P

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year. I'm so grateful for your encouragement and support when I refocused my business to deliver you free quilt patterns in May of 2021. With thoughtful content and careful planning, I've been able to produce for you, monthly quilt patterns and assembly content on my social media outlets. During December, I was able to reflect on all that we've accomplished and created. Look at all of the beautiful quilts we made this year. (Quilt patterns are available for sale through my website.)

Now is the time to look ahead, for my newsletter subscribers, I'll continue to provide you with  free quilt patterns. I'm looking seriously at starting up a YouTube channel to help you assemble with visuals. Stayed tuned. In addition, I'll provide monthly art printables and weekly words of encouragement. 

This month's free quilt pattern is called Sanctuary. See more about Sanctuary below.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. 

Let's make something beautiful together,

 F R E E   Q U I L T   P A T T E R N

Say hi to this month's quilt pattern, called Sanctuary.

Hello. The Sanctuary quilt pattern was inspired by the Red Cross organization and volunteerism. The pattern is an easy peasy quilt to assemble. We will cut and sew with the straight of grain. The quilt is set on point. Think about going through your scraps to increase your variety of fabrics to add more interest to your quilt. I’d encourage you to think of a color palette of 3 colors to harmonize your quilt. Read through the instructions carefully before beginning. 

I'll be sharing my assembly process on social media during the month. If this resonates with you, then make sure you are following me on either Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and/or Snapchat. You can find me on all of those platforms as @bysandraclemons.

Also, if you'd like shopping suggestions to fulfill the material requirements for this quilt pattern, then head over to my blog for product listings.

During the first week of January, this quilt pattern will be a free download on my website, Grab the free download now! 

 F R E E   A R T   P R I N T A B L E

This month's free art printable is called Beautiful Things Come Together. You can find this art on my website, Feel free to download and print it off. Tape or frame it to your wall for home decorations. I hope you enjoy. 

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