
Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Sandra's JULY Newsletter Recap

 H E L L O  +  R E C A P

Hello Creators. If you are new here, then welcome. Thank you for joining me on this journey and gifting me with your time. This newsletter comes out the second weekday of every month.

Last month, we made the Litebrite Quilt. You can head over to my instagram page to see the progress photos. Thank you for saying hey and sharing your thoughts with me. I do appreciate it. You can find the pattern on my website.

This month, we are making the Pirouette Quilt. I love, love how it turned out and I'm excited to see your interpretation as well.

I appreciate your support and encouragement.

Let's make something beautiful together,

F R E E   Q U I L T   P A T T E R N

Say hi to this month's quilt pattern, called Pirouette. Let's make this quilt together during the month of July. My journey will be evenly spaced out throughout the month. Join me and/or follow along. I'll share about my progress on Instagram and I hope you'll share your progress too. It's important to me to hear your voices. You are motivating and inspiring.

For this quilt, you'll learn how to make half square triangle units and pinwheel your seams.

For July, this quilt pattern will be a free download for the next week on my website, Grab the free download now! 

D O N A T E   T O   A   C H A R I T Y
The quilt you make is yours to keep for yourself or gift away. You'll also have the opportunity to donate your quilt to my friends at the Mile High United Way. The United Way supports young families by providing basic essentials for their new babies helping to create stability within the home. The second most requested item behind diapers, are blankets. When I heard this, a huge light bulb went off. A lot of us here are quilters and I bet we have a fabric stash we need to use up. Let's use what we have and make a beautiful quilt for these families to help jump start their growing family. My hope is when these families snuggle into our quilts, it'll remind them they aren't alone especially in those dark times, and we do love and care for them. Now doesn't this seem like an opportunity you want to be part of?

Q U I L T   T I P

Pinwheel the Seam Allowance

Have you ever been frustrated by the bulk of too many seams coming together? Maybe you've let it go or maybe you've resorted to opening your seams. I do not advise opening your seams because when the seams are open, you risk those pieces pulling away from each other when the quilt is washed and used. Also, when you're quilting your quilt, you'll have to be mindful to not stitch-in-the-ditch in those areas, because essentially you are stitching through the top and sewing into the batting and backing fabric. You'll completely bypass the quilt top. Pinwheel your seams is the answer to all those issues. When you pinwheel the seams, you are pressing the seams to one side, but are rotating the seams around a center point, like a pinwheel (see below picture). When you make the Pirouette Quilt, you'll learn in detail how to pinwheel your seam allowance, (see above picture).


F R E E   A R T   P R I N T A B L E

My family is in the middle of summer sports, particularly tennis and basketball. Positive self talk is so important in every day life, but on the court as well. I made this art with my daughter in mind, but I felt that we could all use encouragement to believe in our yourselves, too.


This month I'm giving away a fat quarter bundle of Michael Miller Fabrics cotton couture solids. To enter, follow me on Instagram. Sometime this month, I'll post the giveaway along with instructions detailing how to enter.

If you'd like to collaborate on next month's giveaway, then shoot me an email at and we can discuss next steps.

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