
Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Sandra's June Newsletter Recap

 H E L L O  +  R E C A P

Hello Creators. If you are new here, then welcome. This newsletter comes out the second weekday of every month with a bunch of freebies.

To summarize last month, we made the Freshman Quilt Pattern together. I posted my progress on Instagram and responded the best I could to all who commented. Thank you for saying hey and sharing your thoughts with me. I surely do appreciate it.

I also gave away a fat quarter bundle from my Applause fabric collection to Jackie in New Jersey. I threw in some extra things in the package as well, so I hope she enjoys all the goodies inside.

May has been busy for me and my family. Both my husband and I celebrated our birthdays. Then, there was Mother's Day (I hope all of you had a special moment for that day, too.). My daughter wrapped up her year in ballet with two performances and completed her academic year as well. I bet you all had a similar month of events in May, too. 

June is exciting too. I'm excited for June's quilt, called Litebrite, and summer.

Let's make something beautiful together,

F R E E   Q U I L T   P A T T E R N
Say hi to this month's free quilt pattern, called Litebrite. Let's make this quilt together during the month of June. My journey will be evenly spaced out throughout the month. Join me and/or follow along. I'll share about my progress on Instagram and I hope you'll share your progress too. It's important to me to hear your voices. Your voices motivate and inspire me.

I know you have a ton of fabric, so start by downloading the pattern and go through your stash to pick out a color palette for this quilt. Tomorrow, I'll share my fabric selection on Instagram.

For the month of June, it's a free download on my website, Grab the free download now. 

D O N A T E   T O   A   C H A R I T Y
The quilt you make is yours to keep for yourself or gift away. You'll also have the opportunity to donate your quilt to my friends at the Mile High United Way. The United Way supports young families by providing basic essentials for their new babies helping to create stability within the home. The second most requested item behind diapers, are blankets. When I heard this, a huge light bulb went off. A lot of us here are quilters and I bet we have a fabric stash we need to use up. Let's use what we have and make a beautiful quilt 

for these families to help jump start their growing family. My hope is when these families snuggle into our quilts, it'll remind them they aren't alone especially in those dark times, and we do love and care for them. Now doesn't this seem like an opportunity you want to be part of?

Q U I L T   T I P

Practice Free Motion Quilting The Easy Way

Before quilting your quilt, audition and practice different quilting motifs by practicing on paper with a marker and/or a dry erase board. This tip helps iron out details such as where to enter and exit a block for continuous quilting. Practicing builds muscle memory and working with paper or dry erase board is quicker and easier to access than making a practice quilting sandwich. 

F R E E   A R T   P R I N T A B L E

This month has a very special holiday, Father's Day. I made a sweet and precious art printable for you. You'll find this free printable in my shop at It'll be free for the entire month of June. 

F R E E   C O L O R I N G   P A G E

I'm giving away a free coloring page featuring this art piece. I've colored mine above, but the download is an outline. You can download this art piece at 

Post your finished coloring page to social media and be sure to tag me. I don't want to miss it!


This month I'm giving away a layer cake and fat eighth bundle of At Home with Bonnie & Camille by Moda Fabrics. Moda is a supporter of this newsletter and graciously sent me fabric to use for Litebrite as well as this giveaway. Thank you, Moda!

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