
Monday, March 7, 2016

Book Review: Little Big Stuff by Michelle Jensen


Today I have something very special to share with you. I don’t do this often and I’m very conscientious of the content on this blog. However, Michelle Jensen is special to me. We met back at the 2014 Pittsburg Quilt Market. We happen to be in line for a book signing. After a shy hello, where you’re from and general questions about our businesses, we became instant friends. Then, my second quilt market was Houston 2016. And voila, we ran into each other. What are the chances? Although a year and a half had passed, we picked up our friendship like there was no time distance between us. Since, we support and encourage each other in this quilt industry, to grow our artistic roots, gain our fair share of revenues, and dream big.

Michelle wrote a book called Little Big Stuff: Pint-sized Play Sets to Sew for Kids. It is darling. It speaks so much to who she is as a person; sweet, kind, and happy. You know those people who seem to be all happy and smiling all the time, they never have a bad day, well, that’s Michelle.

This project book is sew fun and would inspire you to make things for little kids in your life. It is organized by type of play, for example, gardening, cooking, and camping. She uses fun fabrics with a modern flare in her project examples. These projects are perfect for your home. I particularly enjoy the baby section and have plans to make the diaper bag, sling, and blanket for my daughter’s baby toy. The tent is amazing for those bad weather days when you just know that museum is crazy packed with people. I can’t wait to make one for my little girl, because every kid loves a small special place to play and read.

Little Big Stuff is a great project book for homemade gifts for your friends and family. Go and check it out.

1 comment:

  1. AWE!!! Oh my goodness Sandra you are so sweet!! Your post melted my heart :) Thank you so so much!!!
