
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Block of the Week 4

Here's the 4th Block of the Week. Enjoy! Wishing you a happy turkey day!


Monday, November 23, 2015

Scrap Patchwork Book by Me

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Block of the Week 3

Hello Friends.

This week and last week have been crazy busy juggling this business and my day job. But I wanted to fulfill my weekly commitment by getting you the 3rd Block of the Week.


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Block of the Week 2

Hello Friends,

I had a lovely response from many of you for the Block of the Week. It is joyous to hear the positivity and motivates me to keep on posting.


Monday, November 9, 2015

Welcome to Make It Blossom

Hello Friends,

It is official. I have established my business as Make It Blossom. I received my approval from the United States Trademark office.

You may have seen it here and there, but I had kept mum about it until today.


I believe a name is important, because as I continue on my entrepreneur journey to establish a viable business, a name creates formality and foundation. Sure, I could have continued to use my name, but I wanted more. Call me silly, but if my daughter chooses, I'd like to fold her into the business to become a mother-daughter team and eventually give the business to her. This is the lofty task today and not quite clear on how we will get there, however, I know in my heart the first step of getting to that dream is to create a name.

Make it Blossom was a name my husband and I thought of while we were traveling in our car to pick up my daughter from school. It was rainy and cold day in Denver. As we had brainstormed names for the business, we came up with names more clear to point out this is a quilting business to names more vague. I had favor ideas that were vague, because I didn't want the business name to be so specific that if I wanted to explore other markets, I'd have to come up with another name, because the new marketplace would be confused by the name. All of sudden I came up with Make It Blossom. Instantly, my husband and I said that's it. We were deep into the winter months and I had thoughts of spring, the buds of trees and flowers. I thought of quiltmaking, and how we pull ingredient together to create our quilts, then we cut them all up, stitch them together, and watch as our creativity 'blossoms' into something more beautiful then the individual ingredients alone. We do this blindly, not entirely sure how all the ingredients will come together, but as we finish blocks, we begin to see our vision 'blossom.'

I've already started to brand my business in this new name, but will become more apparent in the months ahead.

The first logo is the formal. Then, I made variations of the formal, which you see throughout the posts. I'm still playing around with the styling, but I'm pretty sure this is it.


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Block of the Week 1

Hello All,

Please join me in a new adventure. I'm excited about it and it's a way to give back and hopefully attract some social media attention. It's called the Block of the Week.

Every Wednesday, I'll post the block of the week. I'll provide the cutting instructions and the block breakdown. Every block will finish 12" x 12".

Thank Cheryl, aka muppin, for this adventure. I took her social media class at quilt market a few weeks ago and well, she got me thinking...

This is week 1 and here is what you can expect; 3 diagrams. You'll receive a block diagram with letter references to tie to the cutting instructions. The cutting instructions is a diagram that ties back to the references on the block diagram. It provides the number of pieces to cut and the size for a 12" block. The third diagram is the block assembly diagram.

Let's see where this takes us. Although I have selected 100 blocks, I'm committed to 25. At 25 blocks, I'll evaluate the progress. It would be so cool to see you share and talk about this. The more interest, the more motivation I'll have to post more blocks.

There's no pressure to make the blocks. This is all about the joy of quilting, viewing blocks, and getting inspired to come up with a creation unique to you. If you take inspiration from the Block of the Week, please share with us. You can email me and I can post socially, or post to my facebook page.

Here's Block 1: