
Monday, May 18, 2015

New Quilt Patterns

Good morning. I can't believe it is Monday. Rather, I can't believe May is half over.

Last week was an amazing week for making. I finished quilting 4 quilts. Yay!

Though, I can share about two of them here. These quilts are for my Interweave Webcast Seminar on Inset Seams, scheduled for later this month. I finished making the quilts, drafted the patterns, drew the illustrations, had them professionally edited, shot the cover photo, and uploaded the pattern to my Etsy Shop. These patterns require constructing inset seams. I designed these in the effort to cross promote my webcast. The webcast details my technique for stitching inset seams, while making 2 blocks. Once, I receive the promotional, I'll share it here.

Another Monday,

Sandra Clemons

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