
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

My First TV Appearance

Hello World,
I had a fun and exciting opportunity today and couldn't wait to blog about it. It's my first appearance ever for TV.
I was invited to be on the Quilters' Community TV Show to talk about inset seams (aka y-seams).
To prepare for my segment, I had to prepare step-outs for a Lemoyne Star Block. I had 10 minutes to say all I needed to say for my segment, which isn't really all that much time, when I have so much to say about the topic.
My call time was 8:30am this morning. My husband accompanied me there. He drove, listened as I practiced speaking, and bought me a Starbucks, a venti Skinny Vanilla Latte. He even took me clothes shopping the night before, while also keeping our 3 year old entertained as I focused on what to buy. There's a man that's worth keeping.
Here I am. The quilt is for McCall's magazine, which I was dropping off at the same time. The box held my supplies and step-outs for my segment. I had to arrive with clean hair and face.

Here I am in hair and make-up getting pretty. Thank you for doing such a wonderful job.

Next up, I had to go over all that I prepared with all the behind the scenes people. There, way in the background is the host, Mary Kate. In the pink hoodie, Erin, who helped me get on the show. One of the camera guys at the far left and next to him, the head honcho. That's not all the people involved, but all that my husband got on camera.
As we reviewed my step-outs, we determined what to cut and what to keep in. We all agreed it was key to the segment to sew for the show. I was hesitant sewing on a machine I didn't know, which was a Viking and the sponsor of the show. I practiced one inset seam to get my bearings and then felt comfortable enough to go live. I'm of the opinion: the longer you dwell on something, the longer you'll wait, so go for it.

Here I am all dolled-up and ready to roll.

Here's a pic showing the three cameras of the set. It's show time, but you'll have to wait to see the segment when it airs. My final thoughts before we rolled, "o no, I forgot everything I practiced saying," but I knew I had all the quilting talk down pat. I told myself, remember to SMILE and don't say UM. 

This was a very enjoyable experience. I felt so nervous, but I hear I did alright. I'll take that for my first time. My husband said he was impressed with me, which meant a lot to me. Yah, I know, your loved one is supposed to say that, but boy, did it still make me feel special.
The segment will air in the summer. They shoot most of the season within a few weeks, then as they edit, organize, and meet sponsor demand, they arrange each episode. Once that happens, I should have specifics on the airing date and time, which I can't wait to share with all of you.
Thank you to Quilters' Newsletter, to all the people involved, and particularly Erin ( and Susan (, who helped me get noticed. I hope to be invited back.

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