
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Firefly Quilt

Hello World,
What a week of snow? The snow impacted our family here in Denver. Delays. Cancellations. The bright side of all this snow is having the moment to snuggle in a quilt with my daughter after a snowball fight. My daughter is a riot. This was the first time she really played in the snow. We all played. Although, we were completely productive by shoveling off the cement. I do enjoy shoveling, it's a bit endearing for me. I remember the best times with my brother and dad, growing up in northern Illinois shoveling the sidewalk and driveway. I remember throwing snowballs at each other and making up races to see who could shovel the fastest. My dad saying, it's a great workout, which I say to people today. Then, when we were done with the job or frozen, my mom would have hot chocolate or a Korean soup ready for us to gobble up. 
I finished the Firefly quilt this week. All done. I designed, pieced, and quilted it. Check it off the list. Just in time to snuggle on the couch with my husband as we watched Whiplash last night. I thoroughly enjoyed it, but it's intense (the movie is intense). Next up, Birdman.
For the next week and a half I have two quilts to finish for magazine publications. I am pushing myself to have the 'deadline driven work' finished and shipped before my QUILT RETREAT. Retreating, I want to focus on the Loyal Union sampler and another sampler for my blog. I can't wait to show you the latter. It's a free sampler on my blog. There are 9 blocks, measuring 16" x 16". I'm shooting to kick this off in April/May.
Staying cuddled in a quilt,

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